No, not what you think.
We don’t want to shame rugby or any other business for that matter. We want to start a movement. Just the other day we were shopping for Superbowl gear and took up one of our sporting goods store traditions by looking for rugby gear and apparel. Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised to find it and other times, not so much. This time around we did not spot any rugby balls amongst the plethora of footballs on the shelf and that gave us an idea.
We can all agree that rugby does not require much to play. Mouth guard, tough apparel and borrowed socks/cleats from soccer. Certainly, the least a sporting goods store can do is provide rugby balls?
That’s where our idea comes in – when YOU spot an example of a sporting goods store not selling any rugby balls, take a pic of the scene, include the store Twitter name and upload it with #needsrugby
Here’s the shot from our trip to Modells in NYC. Shame on you Modells, get us some rugby stuff!
@modellssg #needsrugby