Tierney Wolfgram - Taking the Long View
At the Olympic Trials on February 29th, sixteen year-old Tierney Wolfgram ran shoulder-to-shoulder with the top American women--many of them twice her age. We caught up with Tierney to find out wha...
Tyron Louw: Photographer
Browsing the interwebs for ideas, inspiration or entertainment each day we sometimes come across something that makes us stop in our tracks and simply enjoy. Enter Tyron Louw’s collection of sports...
Ed Brydon. Rugger. Scientist. Photographer.
Edward hails from the U.K. where apparently this sport called rugby is a pretty big deal. What neither the U.K. or America realized is that Edward’s photography is a big deal. Insightfully gorgeous...
Calendário da Seleção Brasileira Feminina de Rugby
Seems everyone wants or has made a calendar that continues the trend of showing off the sculpted bodies of rugby athletes. Enjoy the shots from the Brasilian calendar. Rugby is indeed beautiful. Fa...
If Rugby were an Ocean.
These stunning pictures are captured and designed by Alessandro Puccinelli - scrolling through them, we couldn’t help but imagine what a large scale print of each would look like in a gallery. And ...
Both in sport and culture, rugby has it’s personalities and dedicated fans. One such personality both dedicated and passionate about the game is not a woman who picked up a rugby ball but her camer...
Adventures in Advertising, the Photographer: Ross Brown
Instead of focusing on a round of ads that use rugby as a medium to sell a message, we thought we’d take a closer look at the magic behind the art direction. New Zealander Ross Brown is a magician ...