The loneliness of the long distance runner can be very real, especially if you're used to running with a training partner or group. And while many of us appreciate the solitude of a solo run and the opportunity to be alone with our thoughts, we all need a little distraction sometimes—especially if staying inside. If you’re tired of your playlists or are just looking for some motivation, we’ve got you covered! We've put together a podcast marathon--an hour for every mile--with some of our favorite inspiring, uplifting, and insightful podcast episodes.
This won't be the last Podcast or Documentary marathon we put together. Stay tuned! And stay safe.
Hours 1-10: Inspiration to Go the Distance
Out Alive: Disaster on Mount Rainier, Part I & Part II
If you need a reminder of how individual decisions can affect the group, give this a listen. This is a story of survival and rescue, and the collective will required for both.
The Morning Shakeout: Amelia Boone and Brad Stulberg
Come for the insight on dopamine and endurance athletes; stay for the incredibly frank and open discussion of anxiety, facing your fears, and finding perspective on the things we can’t control. While this episode focuses on eating disorders and OCD, the broader messages here are incredibly relevant in uncertain times.
The Morning Shakeout: Aliphine Tuliamuk
If you weren’t already inspired by Alaiphine Tuliamuk’s crocheted beanies or Uber-driving past, find out what pushed her to go for the win at the Trials this February.
DNF Podcast: Mr. Teacher
From one of our favorite new podcasts of the year, DNF celebrates turning failures into successes. The first episode is Cat Bradley’s story before she won Western States as a virtual unknown. (And spoiler alert: she was not an unknown for anyone paying attention...)
Clean Sport Collective: Stephanie Bruce
Steph Bruce opens up about her journey to the Olympic Trials, the turning points along the way, and the community that has supported her throughout. Steph is a constant reminder of how a persistent belief in herself, a willingness to forge her own path, and honest engagement with her fans can change the sport.
Out Alive: Mystery on the Mountain
Don't miss this episode told from the perspective of a rescuer--it's one we won't soon forget.
Keeping Track: Shalane Flanagan on Coaching, Cooking, and Caring
Shalane interviews are always must-listen, whether she’s talking about food, training, or her next chapter as a coach. In this episode, we get all three in a candid discussion with the talented ladies of Keeping Track.
30 for 30 Podcast: The Six Who Sat
If you don't know the story of the first women to officially run the New York City Marathon, you should! This episode weaves together the running boom of the 1970's with landmark events in women's running history and all the color of New York City running culture of the era.
The Rich Roll Podcast: How Des Linden Won Boston
Since we won't be running or cheering the Boston Marathon this weekend, we can at least relive Des Linden's win in the epic storm of 2018.
The Morning Shakeout: Meb Keflezighi
Our perennial favorite reflects on his career, longevity in the sport, and what kept him inspired.
The Runner's World Show: Master the Mental Game
We could all use a little help on our mental game right now. This lecture by Deena Kastor will leave you ready take on the next challenge, whether it's crushing a workout or cleaning out your closet.
Hours 11-20: Training, Racing, and the State of the Sport
Clean Sport Collective: Frank Shorter, Part 1 & Part 2
Frank Shorter is not only a two-time Olympic medalist in the marathon and father of the second American running boom, he’s also largely responsible for USADA’s existence. In these interviews, Frank discusses the evolution of marathon training, racing in the days before drug testing, and how he became running’s most vocal early advocate for clean sport.
Outside Podcast: Is the Battle Over Nike's Vaporfly Ruining Running?
Remember that simpler time a few weeks ago when we were all in heated debates over the Next Percent? Yeah, us too.
The Clean Sport Collective: Kara and Adam Goucher on the 4-Year Bans for Salazar/Brown for Doping Violations
If you didn't catch Kara and Adam Goucher's interview after Alberto Salazar's doping ban, get on it!
The Morning Shakeout: Greg McMillan
This episode has a great discussion of endurance training history as well as McMillan’s development as a coach, with some great insight into what goes into quality coaching to boot.
Running Rogue: Choosing a Coach with James Dodds
While we're on the subject of coaching, this podcast from Running Rogue is a great overview of things to think about if you're thinking about hiring a coach.
Running Rogue: What Does the Race Require - Part I , Part II, & Part 3
It's a great time to take a step back, assess your training, and think about future goals. In this series of podcasts the coaches of Running Rogue break down training and strategy for race distances from the 5K to the marathon.
Hours 21-26.2: The Final Push
Radiolab: Man Against Horse
We love it when our favorite non-running podcasts discover great stories from the sport. This episode is a great blend of anthropology and ultra running told as only Radiolab can.
The Human Race: Pacers
This sweet story reminds us to appreciate the people who support us in getting through the toughest challenges. It's also a good reminder to be nice to the person keeping you company at mile 75.
DNF Podcast: Getting to Maybe
In another coaching themed podcast, ultra coach David Roche tells the story of how he found his calling.
Finding Mastery: Apolo Ohno on Competition, Olympic Greatness, and Transitions
He may not be a runner, but we found a lot to love in Ohno's relentless approach to the hard parts of workouts, competitions, and life.
The Morning Shakeout: Katie Arnold
If you haven't read Katie Arnold's touching, engaging memoir Running Home, put it on your list. Arnold is a decorated ultra runner and long-time contributor to Outside magazine. Her writing captures the private, internal world of runners with a sensitivity and insight that few authors have brought to the sport.
For the Long Run: Mike Wardian - Truly Loving the Process
Whatever your personal ultra event is, if you need some inspiration, look no further than Mike Wardian.
Do you have any favorites we missed? Email us at or leave us comments on one of our Instagram accounts @BaklineRunning / @baklinerugby and tag #SocialDistanceProject.